Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Slammed to Death

      Last night, I was watching Nancy Grace. The headline at the bottom of the screen read "FOSTER MOTHER SLAMMED CHILD TO DEATH". Apparently , this could had  been avoided if "Texas Mentor" ( the name of the foster agency) would have did background checks like they were suppose too.
The biological parents both lost custody because the mother had frequent seizures and the baby fell a lot to that and the dad who is in the relationship with the woman smoked pot so they took their child away when she was 2 years of age. The biological parents were 4 months from getting the child back til they heard this devastating news yesterday.

    Once again, I can't comprehend how a parent could get mad at a 2 year old and harm them. This makes me so angry. I'm tired of hearing these devastating stories about these little children. It really trips me out how a woman or any human being could harm a innocence child.

If you would like to get more info about the incident here's the website for the article:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Excuses Are No longer Needed

    I can't stand it when people stay saying "I'm trying". I feel like at a certain point in your life there comes a time in your life where you no longer at the "I'm Trying Stage". You should be at the "I'm doing It Stage". I was always taught that action speaks better than words themselves. I really can't deal. They way some people think really blows my mind. I get when some people are trying and their "Trying Method" is turning into "Progression". I wish some people just took certain things in life more serious.

   For example, I know this young boy that has a child ,but he feels by being there is seeing this child on the weekends and by buying the child stuff. The sad part about this guy's situation is he just about sees his child 4 1/2 days out of a whole month. He has a schedule where he can come by during the week to see his child. I really feel for my friend who is dealing with this boy (suppose to be man). I hope for the child's sake he grows up and does his responsibilities!!!

  I truly don't understand men who put themselves in a position to have a child ,but not take or do the full responsibilities of caring for that child. That is the point I'm trying to make about at a certain point there should no longer be a "I'm Trying Stage". There should be a "I'm Doing It Stage" , ("It"-meaning responsibilities) Someday some folks will learn.